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  • The Business Hive 120 Thames Street Oamaru New Zealand (map)

Daniel from Moreweb

Local expert making a difference!

SEO, also known as “How to make Google happy” according to Daniel from Moreweb, a local website and domain hosting business.

So what is SEO - Search Engine Optimisation? What do you gain from investing in SEO? Why should we care about making Google happy? And ultimately: how does it help in creating more business?

After lifting the veil on the wondrous world of websites, Daniel will let us in on the secrets of how to make sure your clients/customers will actually find your website (which is your digital shop window, as we saw last time).

So join us on Thursday for a free information and Q&A session on the marvels SEO can create for your business - with Daniel from Moreweb, a local website and domain hosting business.

Simply RSVP below and bring all your questions (and when I say “all”, I mean it, seriously, no question is too silly!). See you Thursday! 

Website info and Q&A session

Date: Thursday 28 April 2022

Time: 5:15 - 6:15pm

Fee: FREE and you can even have a cuppa on us :-)

This is an info session in a series inspired by Digital Boost, a Government-backed Skills Training programme free for all Kiwi small businesses. If you haven’t already we really recommend checking out the wealth of information, videos and Q&A sessions available.